Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cartier, Learning apt Listen

When I was juvenile, I possessed the good quality of listening to others carefully, trying to know their worries and sorrows. And through such listening, I was able to understand my friends better and deepen our friendship.
We all thought that whether we memorize the birthday of our friend and purchase her a gift that she has always wanted—say a Cartier jewelry locket, which she has said to you a thousand times, and you yourself are skillful to repeat her words, such as "That Cartier jewelry necklace is my imagining 1" or "Look at those perfect lines of that Cartier jewelry necklace."—we are skillful to say that we attention her and love her. Buying gift is a good path to show our love and concern, yet we should also be willing to hear to our friend’s worries and troubles, so that she tin feel adored and cared.

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As period passes along, I turn out apt be a businesswoman. It is all a difficult job negotiating with human who are likewise gifted at consultations. And it is known apt us always namely apt survive in this high-paced society which is featured with tough tournament is no simple. Sometimes, I may inquire my friends out to work shopping for some fashionable jewelries alternatively gorgeous outfits in a restricted sum of period. And in maximum cases, my call would ring when we were almost to chat over a cup of coffee, which averaged namely I must go at once. And extra than once, I went without hesitation, altogether ignoring if my friends had someone to mention alternatively not.
It was not until one daytime I was choosing a piece of necklace which could go with my fashionable outfit that I asked my best friend out shopping again. We went to the specialty mart of Cartier, and later a cautious culling surrounded those Cartier jewelries which were all of tall quality and could show the owner's savor, I eventually bought one with several mini shining diamonds which appeared charming. After that we went to lunch. And this time, she told me a lot of entities that happened to her lately, saying that she was below great oppression at that moment.
I listened in surprise, for I had thought that her job was quite good and snug. And when I asked her why she didn't differentiate all the things to me earlier, she said that I was so engaged every time we were out that she fair couldn't ascertain a appropriate time. I was reddened for her words.
From that experience, I understand the importance of listening to others anew. Most of the times, people around us don't ask many from us; what they need is a listening ear, which shows our care and love to them.

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